Number of Candidates103
Pass rate99.4%
A* Passes8.9%
A*/A Passes30%
A*/A/B Passes61%
A*/A/B/C Passes82.4%

We are very pleased with another excellent year of A Level examination results. Our students were a great year group who worked very hard and are fully deserving of their success.

There were many instances of individuals who did exceptionally well; many of whom exceeded their target grades. In addition, 13 students achieved at least 3 A/Agrades and a further 14 students achieved at least 2 A/As.

Thank you to our dedicated staff for all their hard work; thanks must also go to the parents for their continued support which we have very much appreciated.

We wish all our students the very best as they move on to university, apprenticeships or employment and would like to thank them for their hard work, commitment and contributions they have made to the life of the school over their time here.

Anne Kennedy and Katie Pearce