Friends of The Holt School

Friends of the Holt School

The Friends of The Holt raise funds through various events which are donated to the school to help provide “extras” for our students. Over the last five years, the funds have contributed to the purchase of outside canopies, fitting out of new technology classrooms with CAD/CAM equipment as well as computers, screens and projectors in classrooms and an audio/visual system in the sports hall. The funds have also been used to buy display boards for House events and House gazebos for outside events alongside benches and landscaping.

Our fundraising events include doughnut sales, a tombola at the Christmas fair and the colour run on sports day. These events raise around £5000 a year. We have noticed, however, over the last few years, parents have less time and energy to give to organise and attend fundraising events. Many tell us that they would prefer to donate money to the school in lieu of attending events. We understand this sentiment, life is busy for sure!

The Friends of the Holt is a registered charity (number 1013765). We spend the funds raised by The Friends of The Holt very carefully, making sure the benefits of the items purchased reach the students. There is a Friends committee that meets once a term to discuss the income and expenditure and accounts are audited once a year.


Making a contribution

In addition to the links on this page to Easy Fundraising, Just Giving and Amazon Smile, donations can be made as follows

One off donations

  • Bank transfers can be direct to the Friends bank account (sort code: 30-96-96, account no: 04250998, account name: Friends of The Holt School).
  • Parents of current pupils can make a donation via Wisepay.

Regular donations

Regular donations can be made by setting up a standing order using the attached form or the bank details above

Company sponsorship of a specific activity

Typical sponsorship items include:  supporting a school department, faculty, or year group;  supporting a sports team or other extra-curricular club;  sponsor a special project.  Sponsorship can be undertaken on a one-time or regular basis.  To discuss sponsorship opportunities please contact the Finance Team at The Holt School.

Company general sponsorship

For organisations who would like to support the school in a more general way and get more closely involved in helping the school reach its goals.  To discuss sponsorship opportunities please contact the Finance Team at The Holt School.


More information?

If you would like to know more about any of the Friends of The Holt School’s activities and how you might contribute please contact the Finance Team on:


Phone:  0118 978 0165

Friends of The Holt School Donation Form

    Please email completed forms to