Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,

Last week it was the turn of Year 12 to take part in a mock interview day. We are grateful to the 9 different interviewers from a range of sectors including law, finance, marketing, education and more! There are 140 students in Year 12 so it was a very busy day for our interviewers. Students focused on competency-based questions and were thinking of instances where they had demonstrated specific skills. What I always enjoy about our annual interview day is that our students realise just how much they have done, and how they have improved their skills over time. Our interviewers were really impressed with the students and especially those who were feeling a bit nervous but pushed themselves out of their comfort zone. Well done to all of Year 12, and thank you again to our interviewers for giving up their time- we couldn’t run the day without you!

On the theme of careers and future aspirations, we also held our student finance parent information evening. Chantelle from the University of East Anglia came to deliver a session on university finance to help our Year 13 parents navigate the process and give key information to help plan the financial aspect of university applications. Year 13s have had a busy couple of weeks since half term as they have been completing their final PPEs before their actual exams in the summer. As I write this, they will all be done by the end of today which is a great achievement. Well done to Year 13!

Our careers department always has a busy programme of speakers, and this week has been no different. Mrs Hart has told us about just some of what has been happening this week:

“Firstly, students had the opportunity to hear about Sophie’s experience taking a year in placement opportunity from her engineering studies at Bristol University. I met Sophie at the Careers in Space event in October, which shows how useful it is to network!

She studied four A-Levels in Maths, Further maths, Physics & Geography and explained that if you work hard then the opportunities you find are really rewarding.


Sophie spoke to many students including some of our Year 12 students who are thinking of this career path.  Sophie sold the idea of taking a placement year as she is enjoying receiving a salary of £23,000.



Reassuring messages were passed on to the students:


  • You’re not expected to know everything! Don’t be afraid to ask silly-seeming questions
  • You deserve to work in the industry as much as anyone else
  • Chatting in the office can be helpful and open doors to new opportunities
  • If there’s something you’re interested in learning about, mention it
  • Hybrid working gives you a lot of freedom
  • Challenging yourself is worth the reward
  • Any experience you get is helpful for working out what you’d like to do in the future

Secondly, Babcock who are an international defence, aerospace and security company attended a lunchtime event providing information about design, manufacturing and through-life support services and capabilities by working across land, nuclear, aviation, marine and space sectors.

And finally our Chair of Governors Fiona Cross delivered a lunchtime session on a career in law. Students were told what to expect and what to consider if this something they would like to pursue in the future.”

Thank you to Mrs Hart and Miss Johnson for organising these sessions. Please do encourage your daughter to look out for the different opportunities when they are advertised.

Also this week Year 9 Students had the opportunity to watch a short theatre production called ‘Hooked’ which focused on the effects of vaping, smoking and nicotine addiction. Mrs Hornblow told us:

“The theatre performance followed the story of three young people who were experiencing issues with vaping and smoking and their journey as they attempted to give up. The performance was followed by a discussion workshop, whereby students were able to discuss the long-term effects of vaping and smoking and were able to discuss the help available for individuals. The workshop included discussions on peer pressure and how this can lead young people to try vaping or smoking for the first time and appropriate responses in this. The workshop is being followed up in registration with a short reflection activity that students will complete with their tutors”

Thank you to Mrs Hornblow for organising the event.

Emma Salamut-Ward

Head of Sixth Form

Assistant Headteacher