Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends

We are finally here……..after much hard work, countless  hours of rehearsal, and blood sweat and tears…..(well maybe not quite that dramatic!), but the opening night of Les Misérables was upon us last night.

What a fantastic show it was! The students showcased their incredible talents throughout and made lots of people very proud; Mrs Kennedy and I, all the staff involved in the show, and of course all the parents.

Not to plagiarise myself, but as we said in the programme “The opportunity to be part of a school production is often one of the fondest school memories girls have and the experience lives with them forever. The skills and personal growth you gain from being part of such an event; cast or crew, is immeasurable. Students gaining their self-confidence, pushing themselves out of their comfort zone, making new friends and building positive relationships with others from all Year groups is what being part of our Holt community is about.

We are immensely proud of our staff production team, and of course our talented cast as The Holt School presents Les Miserables.”

Of course, these opportunities are only there but for the incredible hard work of the teachers and staff involved. A massive thank you must go to Mr Gray and Mrs Crozier from our fantastic music department for their work from the beginning, and of course thanks too, to the many other staff involved in the planning and rehearsing, or on the night…..our  Heads  of House, our student helpers, the session orchestra – and the amazing staff from many departments, in particular drama and music. Last night was a sell out and so are tonight and tomorrow!

Last week was maths enrichment week and as part of that, the maths department have been celebrating Pi day with their annual maths enrichment programme.

Mrs Baker wrote:

The Maths prefects have been running assemblies about Pi and Pi day, including the history of Pi, and some maths magic calculations. During lunchtimes we have been running masterclasses. The photos show the Trophy thief treasure hunt activity run by the prefects attended by year 7. Well done to Ellen and Kianna who came first! We have also had masterclasses on Pursuit curves, Origami, and the maths of chocolate. Thank you to everyone who attended. 

Thanks to the maths department for leading these events!

It’s also been a busy few weeks for the PSHE department with external speakers & performance for students.


Mrs Hornblow, our Head of PSHE wrote:

On Wednesday morning, students watched a live theatre performance called ‘Smashed’. This performance focused on the issue of underage drinking and the various consequences that can result from this. Students watched a 30-minute performance followed by a 30-minute workshop where different aspects of the performance were discussed. Students particularly enjoyed the ‘Forum Theatre’ element of the workshop where they were able to give ideas of how the characters could have acted differently and were able to see this impact this would have had on later consequences. The performance will be followed up in registration with a short reflection activity, where students will be able to further discuss the peer pressure regarding underage drinking and the physical & mental health effects of alcohol misuse. 

Thank you Mrs Hornblow for organising this event.

Last Friday we held our ever popular “own clothes” day. This time the money raised – an impressive £1275 will go to local “grass roots” clubs that serve the children in our community. Our students nominated their clubs as worthy recipients of the money. These include the local scouts, a tennis club, a karate club, the cadets, a church youth group and a dance academy.

It is a real pleasure to raise funds for organisations that provide such valuable enrichment experiences for our children. 

Katie Pearce
