Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends

After months of planning and rehearsal, it is show week. If you are reading this on Wednesday or Thursday, some tickets for The Holt School’s production of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream are still available at The Holt School event tickets from TicketSource..
On Monday, I was privileged to see our students perform to Year 5s from St Paul’s School, and I marvelled at the creativity that was used to stage the Bard’s play in the round. Our school hall has been transformed into a dreamy festival site to which audiences will be transported throughout the week. Huge congratulations go to the cast and crew with thanks to Miss Edwards, Mrs Bennett, Miss Harris, Mr Gray and all the other staff who have supported this theatrical endeavour. Lines have been learned and lived, comfort zones have been escaped, and friendships made and deepened through this share experience.
I might say much the same, albeit in a different context, with regard to the PGL Liddington netball weekend which our PE Department organised for students in Years 7, 8, and 9. We are very grateful to the staff who gave up their weekend and very , very proud of our girls who received “an honourable mention” from the lead umpire for “being so polite and friendly to every member of staff and student around the site”. while also all gaining medals for progressing through the competitions against other schools at the event.

I am sure that you will have been aware that it was Red Nose Day last Friday. Bringing together love of cake and a desire to raise money for good causes, our students got baking and raised a wonderful £844.13 for Comic Relief in our bake sale. Many enjoyed their tasty treats there and then, but takeaway containers were also provided for those who were not able to tuck in immediately. We are grateful to parents who provided the ingredients, ovens and pocket money that made this possible and to the Student Leadership Team and Mrs White for coordinating.

Last week was British Science Week, and Mr Mirams and our science prefects led a week of intriguing assemblies on the theme of “Time”. Now, I don’t want to put anyone off their cakes, but the science department also hosted a series of dissections during lunchtime. Students were able to go along to see the anatomy of a variety of animals being revealed including a starfish and an octopus. Absolutely fascinating!

Our end of term presentation assemblies start on Wednesday beginning with our sixth form. These events allow us to celebrate the hard work of our students, and for students to perform or report back on activities. Do ask your child(ren) whether they have got involved or received a certificate this time around and encourage them to reflect on the opportunities to do so in future.
Alongside all the news mentioned above, the past week has seen charity events from 11L and 7W, dry ski slope lessons, a post 18 options evening, a choir rehearsal, interhouse hockey, Year 10 art exams, Year 11 dance practical assessments, and a sixth form go-karting evening. To misquote AMSND, “the course of school life never did run smooth” but “Joy, gentle friends! joy and fresh days of love accompany your hearts!”
Ben Adams
Assistant Headteacher