Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
As we reach the midpoint of the school year, I wanted to bring you up to date all things Holt, and to look forward to the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.
Aiming high

Last year we were fortunate to collaborate with The Abbey School on a “Women in Advocacy” project. Following on from this, Mrs Salamut-Ward and Miss Harris spent last Saturday taking some of our Year 12 students to the Royal Courts of Justice in London to participate in mock trials. Aarushi writes,
“Our trip to the Royal Courts of Justice was truly inspiring, deepening my passion for law. Sitting as a jury in a mock trial was both intense and eye-opening, challenging us to balance logic with human emotion. The talented pupil barristers unpicked the case with such grace, raising points I wouldn’t have ever considered. Lunch at Gray’s Inn was a great chance to connect with Abbey students and incredible student mentors, who patiently answered questions and shared their experiences. This opportunity left me with both questions and answers, all of which will guide my future aspirations.
We are all incredibly grateful to Mrs. Salamut-Ward, Miss Harris, Lady Justice Andrews, and the Royal Courts of Justice for making this unforgettable experience possible!”

Our Year 12 students are also encouraged to aim high by considering undertaking an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) alongside their A levels. Working towards this qualification allows students to pursue study in an area that interests them beyond examination specifications, and opens their eyes to independent learning and research ahead of university. Those that are embarking on this journey now had a talk on Monday from a Reading University lecturer, Ben Worsfold, who gave them top tips on study skills and research methods. We are grateful to him for giving up his time and to Mrs Wragg for organising the event.
Several of our departments use social media platforms to share the wonderful achievements of our students. For example, you can follow The Holt School Art Department on Facebook to gain an insight into the brilliant work produced by our students under the guidance of Mrs Skeates, Miss Schotting and Mrs Cartmell-Webb. Below are some examples from Key Stage 3.
Year 7 have been learning about colour theory and mark-making, and using this on some fishy pieces:

Year 8 have been looking at patterns in nature and using technology to produce repeated motifs:

Finally, Year 9 have been learning about portraiture through the work of Deb Weiers (and Frida Kahlo):

It is lovely to see how students develop their knowledge and skills across a whole range of subjects as they progress through the school. Year 9 have their KS4 taster day this Friday during which they will be trying out the subjects they might study for GCSE qualifications. We hope they have a useful and enjoyable day, and that they are inspired to aim high in whichever direction they are heading.
Working hard
Just as the pieces of art shown above are the end result of a long creative process, we will be very proud to present our production of Les Misérables at the end of March. The months of rehearsal, scene building, prop sourcing and technical planning are coming to fruition. I want to applaud the students, ahead of time, for their hard work and commitment and likewise thank the staff from the music, English, drama and technology departments who have given up countless hours to the show.

Tickets are selling fast but can still be purchased from The Holt School event tickets from TicketSource. Rehearsals are sounding fantastic, so you won’t regret coming along!
Speaking of hard work, Year 13 and then Year 11 come back after half term to a final round of PPEs (or mocks as you may have known them). So, while most of the school and staff will be enjoying a well-earned half term break next week, our senior students will have to balance rest and leisure with some serious revision. It is a tough few months in the run up to the public examinations in the summer, and we hope that their well-planned study programmes will also have gaps for R&R.
Being kind
I see a lot of kindness at The Holt – doors being held open, smiles of encouragement, looking out for others – and this is something we are keen to foster. It will not have escaped your notice that St Valentine’s Day is approaching. Several tutor groups have been giving up their time been to run suitably themed charity events. The little we know of the historical St Valentine has more to do with caring for and healing others than romantic love, so the students’ acts of caritas are most fitting. Well done to all who have baked, set up, sold and delivered for the sake of others.

If you have time off next week, I wish you a restful and enjoyable half-term break! If you are working hard (like our Year 11 and 13 students), I hope you also find time and space to be kind to yourself.
Best wishes
Ben Adams
Assistant Headteacher