Dear Parent, Guardians and Friends,
Spring is in the air… it has been lovely to see the daffodils blooming, blue sky above and our students having such a lovely time both within our school grounds and out and about in the community.

Last week, our Year 10 spinners held a house event and raised an amazing £160 for their nominated charity, Berkshire Women’s Aid. There was a lovely party atmosphere and even some dancing! I have included some pictures of their fabulous cakes below:

The Philosophy of Religion (PoR) department and Soulscape took 7B, C, G and H on a walking tour around Wokingham to visit four different churches of different denominations. Students asked insightful questions and enjoyed the opportunity to learn about these places of worship. Anyone that lives in the local community may have heard the bells ringing at St Pauls… our students were delighted to hear the bells chime as they arrived for their visits. Thank you to Mrs Barker, Soulscape and all of the churches that hosted our students. 7L,S,T and W are looking forward to their visit this Thursday.
Molly Webster in 7C provided us with the following write up of her day:
I really enjoyed the PoR walking tour. It was interesting to see a variety of churches in the local area. The church I found most fascinating was the Salvation Army because it was unlike any church I have ever seen before. I also loved seeing the beautiful architecture in St. Pauls and All Saints Church.

Mrs Hart, has been busy preparing for ‘National Apprenticeship Week’ and has booked some excellent speakers to come along and tell our students about future career opportunities. The talks will aim to raise awareness of the different career pathways available to young people and give them the opportunity to ask lots of questions. Please do encourage your daughters/sons to go along and find out more.

In addition to the student events, the following webinar is available for parents:
Feb 9, 2022 06:00 PM London
Topic: Parent/Carer and Student ASK Apprenticeship Awareness Talk
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
This week is an exciting one for our Year 9 cohort. On Friday 11th February, Year 9 will be taking part in a taster day to help them decide which subjects they would like to study for their GCSEs next year. Taster session will give Year 9 students an insight into what it is like to be a GCSE student at The Holt and help them to make informed choices about their future studies. In addition to this Year 9 students will be having a 1:1 meeting with their Head of Year or a member of the Senior Leadership Team to receive advice and guidance. We really enjoy having the opportunity to talk to the students individually and hearing all about their hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future.
Finally, I wanted to mention Safer Internet Day took place on 8th February. The theme this year is ‘All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online.’ Some useful resources for parents can be found here: Advice for parents and carers – UK Safer Internet Centre. Mrs Dearing, Head of computing will be delivering assemblies to all students in years 7 -11 containing some important information and reminders about how to use the internet responsibly and remain safe online. This topic is regularly discussed in school and students are reminded to seek the support of a trusted adult if they ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe online.
I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of this half term.
Vicki Martin
Assistant Headteacher