Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
A fabulously busy week once again at The Holt, leads to a superb opportunity for another photofest…..
Whilst the rest of the school was taking part in activities week last week, the Year 10s were joining the workforce as they took part in a week of work experience.
Mrs Hart, our amazing careers lead wrote the following.
In all, 236 Year 10 students went out for work experience. The experience always comes in different forms whether being in person or being delivered virtual. I feel very proud that they all got stuck in and made the experience their own!
I managed to clock up 132 miles going around visiting students. Ms Herron, and a few tutors were also able to go out and visit placements too. It was lovely to see surprised and happy faces when visiting , but again feeling immensely proud of the wonderful feedback that we all received about the students.
Since returning to school, the main comments from the students are; “feeling absolutely shattered,” “proud of myself”, “given me a different perspective on a career”, that it was “hard work”, they “loved every minute of it”, or this is “definitely not my chosen career path”……and even “I have been offered a job” and “need to work harder in school” and also “definitely appreciate what my guardian/parent/s do on a daily basis”.
We had some amazing feedback from the employers about our students and we are so grateful to everyone, the parents and businesses that were able to offer our students a placement. If this is something you are able to help out with in future years, please contact Mrs Hart on , she would be delighted to hear from you! We would like to thank Mrs Hart for her hard work in securing placements and looking after the students so well……..this week she is organising the work experience for our Year 12 students!
Last week’s events also included the fabulous annual House dance competition where the Year 7, 8 and 9 forms take part in dances choreographed and supported by our Year 10 students. Have a look on Twitter for a great video summary of the event, but below are some pictures.

On Wednesday, our Year 13 students attended their Leavers’ ball at Easthampstead Park. The setting was beautiful, and a great time was had by all. It was lovely to see our students looking so dapper in their suits and glamorous dresses – many actually getting to wear their Prom dress from the cancelled Prom of 2020! Thanks Miss Ward and her 6th form team for helping the students to organise this event.

On Friday morning, the Year 11 students and their form tutors attended a lovely leavers’ assembly held by Miss Harris, they gave such heartfelt speeches to their form tutors and were particularly sad to day farewell to Mr Robinson who will be retiring at the end of this term.
Miss Harris revealed the names of the winners of the various prizes within the year group, and of course the nominees for Prom Queen/Royalty! To be revealed later in the blog………….

Friday also saw our school’s celebration of all things Hispanic with our annual “Día de la hispánidad”. This event organised by Sra Diaz involves all of Year 8 off timetable for the day and doing all things “Spanish”. Activities included taster Spanish lessons for the French half of the year, salsa dancing, a cooking masterchef competition, and other Spanish cultural lessons. The students had great fun and the teachers were worn out by the end; especially Miss Stanborough in PE as she led all the salsa classes. Here are a couple of pictures.
A massive “gracias” to Sra Diaz and all the staff involved.

Later that day, 30 of our Year 11 and 12 students alongside Mrs Williams and Mr Gray set off for Costa Rica on a few weeks of fabulous adventure as they take part in a trek, some community projects and of course some well deserved R&R. We look forward to following their progress on Twitter.

Friday night saw the most hotly anticipated event of the year for Year 11……… was the Prom! Great to be back at The Coppid Beech after a two-year gap, and the night was as fun as ever. Spectacular arrivals, proud parents, fabulous dresses and outfits………this year navy and red were the popular choices… was lovely to see the students and staff having so much fun. Thanks Miss Harris and the Prom committee for organising this event.

It was also the big reveal of the Prom Queen. The winner was a well-deserved Esther! A massive well done!

And on Monday, Miss Ward organised a great Year 12 activities day…….but there will be more on this next week.
This week, Spinners held their last charity event of the year by way of a Pride bake scale and raised over £100 in less than an hour! Well done Spinners and thank you Mr Mirams…….

And as for Broderers……….Miss Hayes and her Broderers somehow managed to persuade some teachers to be “sponged” in the name of charity! Well done to those staff for being such great sports and thank you to Miss Hayes for making some great memories for her House!

We are nearing the end of term now, but still have an action packed two weeks left……the art exhibition is tonight, please do pop along from 5.30pm – it is going to be great……..and then of course, Sportsfest and our grand Colour run on Friday!
We will tell you all about it next week.
Katie Pearce