Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends

I hope you had a lovely half term and Bank Holiday Monday and found time to relax with family and friends. Our Year 11 and 13 students also enjoyed a temporary reprieve from the exam treadmill they are currently on for a short while at least,  to re-energise ahead of the home straight for GCSE and A level exams. There are only two more full weeks of exams to go before the reward of the long summer comes for our students……..and the relief of their parents/guardians who live and breath these exams as well.

For our students in school, the Key Stage 3 assessments have now started and they will last for two weeks of this 7 week half term. That sounds like a long one, but of course nestled in this term we have all the summer fun events to look forward to such as sports day, the colour run, The Holt Musician of The Year, and of course activities week! More information on this will follow …..

We ended last half term on a busy note as several members of staff took some Year 9 and 10 students to see “The Kite Runner”. The students were in awe of the performance of this very moving production which included the live playing of Afghan instruments. Thanks to Mrs Salamut-Ward, Miss Harris, Mrs Sawyer and Mrs Bennett for organising this trip.

On the last day of half term, we had an “own clothes” day to raise money for the “Walk the Walk” charity for which our technology teachers completed the Moon Walk the week before. This event raised a very impressive total of £1255

During half term the Sixth form team; Mrs Salamut-Ward, Mrs Thomas along with Mrs Williams and Mr Mirams, took a group of 39 Year 12 students to the Osmington Bay PGL centre in Weymouth for three days of team building activities.

The students had an absolute blast, got on so well……….and I am reliably informed that better still…..they all got themselves to bed and up in the morning without any nagging….. result!

Here are some pictures of what they got up to;

The staff said they had a wonderful time as well and commented that in particular they enjoyed the Silent Disco!

I would like to thank Mrs Salamut- Ward, Mrs Thomas, Mrs Williams and Mr Mirams for leading this trip in half term.

Then just before we came back to school, on Saturday night our music department Mr Gray and Mrs Crozier, along with Mrs (and Mr) Harrington and Mr Carne, took 50 Year 7 and 8 students to listen to an inspirational concert of film music played by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra at The Hexagon. The students didn’t have programmes and so enjoyed playing along in a “name that film” way. The staff and students had a wonderful evening. I would like to thank the staff for taking this trip.

I will end this blog (almost) as I started …….by saying we still have a huge half term full of events, clubs and opportunities coming up,  and myself, Mrs Kennedy and the rest of the SLT looking forward to seeing many of you there and sharing the details and pictures in the blogs over the next few weeks.

Mrs Pearce
