Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,
As I am writing this week’s blog the sun is shining and the sky is blue… let’s all hope the good weather remains for the upcoming bank holiday weekend!
The warmer weather allows our students to make the most of the lovely school grounds, at break time today it was great to see the students out on the field, some chatting with friends… a few reading/ completing home learning and the more energetic amongst them were making up a dance routine. I suspect this in in preparation for the highly competitive House dance competition!
Last Tuesday, The Holt School hosted our first ever ‘open mic’ night. Mr Gray and Mrs Crozier led the event with the hall set up in a café style with snacks on the tables. The audience were treated to solo, duet and ensemble performances of some well know show tunes. The evening was a great success and an enjoyable experience for the audience. Thank you to everyone involved.
On Friday, Broderers celebrated their first ever victory, they were crowned House champions for 2024 and celebrated their victory in style with pizza and cookies. The points have now been re-set, we are excited to see if they can maintain their title! The House system allows students from all year groups participate – it is wonderful to see Year 11 students supporting and engaging with the younger years. A little friendly competition really brings everyone together.

Exam season is now underway. Year 12 and Year 10 have been busy completing their PPEs. Year 11 students have now completed their MFL speaking and Art examinations. The atmosphere in school is calm, yet purposeful. Students are conducting themselves with maturity, showing determination and initiative to seek support as and when necessary. Many of the students I have spoken to are already planning their reward/ celebration to mark the end of exams – this is certainly a good way to remain motivated.
Last Wednesday, Miss Harris and Ms Herron hosted Key Stage 3 Information Evening. The Heads of Year shared important information about revision and student wellbeing to a packed audience of Year 7, Year 8 and a few Year 9 parents. Their advice was to help young people to develop organisation and revision skills at this early stage in their education to make sure they are prepared for their transition to Key Stage 4 and 5. They also presented some top tips to help your daughter to take care of her physical and mental wellbeing. It is important for young people to recognise and overcome some stress factors so they see how resilient they can be; equally it is important to help them to recognise when they are struggling and seek help/ strategies to help manage a situation. If you were unable to make the evening, the slides can be found here: Letters and Announcements | The Holt School
Alongside exam season, it is great to see so many students continuing to enjoy the extracurricular activities on offer at school. During lunchtime on Tuesday, Miss Harris, and I both observed a wonderful buzz of activity.
We saw so much creativity. The pictures below showcase the talents of our cross-stitch club.

As we walked towards the field, we saw Mr Mosley and his geography club making volcanoes erupt with a bottle of coke and some mentos. The students had spent the last five weeks creating their volcanoes… I am sure you will agree that they are very impressive. The students looked like they were having so much fun!

On the opposite side of the field, there was a hive of athletics activity; there were too many students to count taking part in discus, javelin, shot put and sprinting. Parallel to this, the tennis club were having a lovely time in the sunshine.

Finally, I had a lovely conversation with a student in the textiles department who was busily making a t-shirt for her cat. Next week, the group will be working on embroidery. I was so impressed by her enthusiasm and talent; I really hope that Toby the cat appreciates her efforts.

This is just a snapshot of what is on offer, please encourage your daughter to get involved in extra curricula activities in school. There is something for everyone!
Enjoy the bank holiday weekend.
Mrs Martin