Learning Resource Centre

Learning Resource Centre

The Learning Resource Centre is a busy, colourful and vibrant part of the school, filled with a wealth of information and a large fiction section where reading for pleasure is strongly encouraged. There are displays of special collections including recommended reading for each year group. The LRC is open at break and lunch times and operates a booking system for those wishing to bring a class during the day.

There are 30 computers to accommodate a whole class. Year 7 have timetabled library lessons once a fortnight.

LRC Opening Times
9:30am – 3:30pm Monday to Thursday, 8: 00am – 2:30pm Friday

Before School Reading Club
8: 00am – 8:40am Friday 

Home Learning Club
3.30pm – 4.30pm Monday to Friday

School Life


Loans and returns

Three books can be borrowed at any one time and signed out for three weeks. They can be renewed and kept for a maximum of nine weeks. We also operate a reservation service and have a suggestions box for any books the students would like to recommend for purchase. We have a small collection of DVDs which can be borrowed for 1 week including Spanish and French movies.

Senior Section

There is a senior section for the upper years which has a separate fiction section, recommended reading, GCSE resources, classics collection and an archive.

Online Resources

We subscribe to a host of online resources including Dynamic Learning, Issues Online, Newspapers For Schools and JSTOR which are available to all staff and students. Students can also access Oliver, our online library catalogue, to search for titles, reserve books and renew existing loans.

Promotional events and student involvement

We follow the Berkshire Book Award and Carnegie Award each year. We also hold an annual Book Fair, Teen Reading Challenge, World Book Day and other charity events. A team of student librarians is recruited to help on the issue desk during break and lunch times.


We subscribe to copies of ‘Teen Titles’ magazine which gives recommendations and reviews by teenagers on popular titles. Also ‘First News’ which reports the news to young people in an accessible way.