RSE Overviews

RSE Overview

At The Holt, our students follow an extensive PSHE curriculum which is designed to equip all students with the skills, knowledge and attirbutes they need to keep themselves safe and prepared for life in society beyond school. The PSHE curriculum is devised into three main areas:

  • Living in the Wider World
  • Relationships
  • Health and Wellbeing

The following documents are overviews of the lessons that are taught to students as part of the ‘Relationships’ unit. The documents highlight the key areas discussed in each lesson and the types of discussion questions that are included. There are also links to websites and resources that have been used in the planning of the lessons, in addition to ‘Parental Resources’ which can support you in having conversations with your child about these topics at home.

RSE Overview Year 10
RSE Overview Year 11
RSE Overview Year 7
RSE Overview Year 8
RSE Overview Year 9