Parents’ Consultation Evenings

Parents’ Consultation Evenings

We hold one parents’ consultation evening per year per year group. Appointments will take place online using School Cloud software.

Parents’ Consultation Dates

Year 11 28th November 2024
Year 13 5th December 2024
Year 10 23rd  January 2025
Year 12 13th February 2025
Year 9 27th February 2025
Year 8 20th March 2025
Year 7 24th April 2025

Students are expected to attend the parents’ evening too. The dialogue between the teacher, parent/s and student will ensure a consistent message that everyone is part of and hears at the same time. In addition, the process will encourage your daughter/son to be reflective in their learning. Tutors do some preparation work with the students before parents evening where they consider the following:

  • What do they think they are good at in each of their subjects?
  • For each subject, what areas do they find difficult?
  • Where do they think they can improve and how?

The school has an easy to use online appointment booking system. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. The appointments are 5 min slots between 3.40pm and 6.30pm. We do not limit the number of appointments; however, some staff who teach non-core subjects at KS3 (years 7, 8 and 9) will not be able to see every parent. These subjects are Philosophy of Religion, Drama, Textiles, Food and Nutrition, Design and Technology, Art, ICT, Music and PE. The teachers of these subjects teach many year 7, 8 and 9 classes once or twice a fortnight, compared to the core subjects, say maths, where the teachers teach fewer classes but for more lessons. It is impossible to accommodate all parents for the non-core subjects. If you are comfortable with your daughter’s progress in these non-core subjects then we would appreciate it if you could refrain from making an appointment to free up slots for parents who do have concerns.

The appointment system sets up a waiting list as soon as all slots have been booked. Once bookings are closed, if there are cancellations we will try our best to accommodate the waiting lists and will be in touch with parents affected.


Parent Guide
Year 10 – Save the Dates – 2026