Medication in School
Medication in School
Giving consent for school to hold and administer medication to your daughter/son
The Medical Conditions Policy can be found here and it outlines the different types of medication we can store and also what students are safe to carry in their bags. A major change to the guidance is the way in which consent is given. They are POM (Prescription Only Medicine) or OTC (Over the Counter) forms. POMs can be kept
We would be grateful if you could complete the relevant consent forms as without these new forms we cannot store your daughter/son’s medication in school. You can give the form to your daughter/son to bring in with the medication, you can return the form in person or complete the form in school – whichever is the most convenient.
Medical Information Form
Parents should use SIMSParent to update details of medical conditions, medication and emergency contact information.
Medication whilst on Residential Trips
It is important that the school holds up-to-date medical information for your child, and this is particularly relevant when they are in the school’s care on a residential trip.
Parents should use SIMSParent to update details of medical conditions, medication and emergency contact information one month before departure and again if there are any changes prior to departure. You will be asked to confirm that details are up-to-date if there are no changes.
If a student needs to bring medication with them on the residential trip, a POM or OTC form should be submitted to no less than two weeks before departure. This will provide essential information to relevant staff to help your daughter/son manage her/his condition whilst away. This should include information about medication that is not normally taken during school hours. You should detail the dosage the student is currently taking, the times at which they should do so, and whether they are able to administer the medication themselves or will need assistance in doing so.
It is vital we have a record of all medication, prescribed or over-the-counter, and that we have consent from you giving staff permission to administer medication as required or that you give consent for your daughter to manage her own medication. Medication will normally be held by staff for the duration of the trip.
We will take a supply of over-the-counter painkillers (paracetamol and Ibuprofen) but will need your consent if you would like us to administer them to your child during the trip. You can give this consent via SIMSParent.
Please send any emails to , or you can drop any completed forms into student support in school.
Kay Maynard
Student Support Manager
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Sixth Form