Senior Leadership Team

The Holt School GCSE Results 2019

Number of Candidates1995+ 4-9 inc. Eng. & Maths90.5%7/9 grades39.6%Pass rate99% Congratulations to all our students for their GCSE exam success. We are delighted that their hard work and perseverance has paid off with 90.5% attaining 5 or more GCSEs at a grade 4...

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The Holt School A Level Results 2019

Number of Candidates103Pass rate99.4%A* Passes8.9%A*/A Passes30%A*/A/B Passes61%A*/A/B/C Passes82.4% We are very pleased with another excellent year of A Level examination results. Our students were a great year group who worked very hard and are fully deserving of...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends As another academic year draws to a close, I am delighted to share more wonderful end of term moments, celebrations and successes with you. Last Wednesday was the amazing “Sports Personality of The Year” awards evening. The PE...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Last week was packed with exciting events that has left most of us feeling warm, appreciative and happy! Thank you to all our families for the donations of pot noodles, sugar, washing powder, nappies and toothbrushes for the...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends This week we had a week of farewells as we said goodbye to our Year 11 at their final leavers’ assembly and their much-awaited prom, and to Year 13 at their leavers’ ball. The Year 11 leavers’ assembly on Friday was very well...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends, We have lots of wonderful girls at The Holt; for their participation and willingness to give things a go, for their immense dedication to give stunning performances, for their gratitude and sense of fun! Brace yourselves for lots...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends There is so much of which we are very proud this week; where to start…………..? At the weekend, our Year 9 mock magistrates students all made their way to The Royal Courts of Justice for the national finals. This imposing building was...

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Dear Parent, Guardians and Friends Our younger athletes were rewarded for their hard work and dedication last week – they had a great day at the Track and Field Cup Regional Final last Wednesday and the junior team (Years 7 and 8) won! They scored 40 more points than...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Welcome back to the new half term. I hope you had a lovely break and if you have children sitting GCSEs and A levels, I hope they got plenty of rest in between all that studying. Chez Pearce, we are also in full swing and so I made...

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Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends A levels exams started on Monday – good luck to Year 13! Year 11 will have sat more than ten exams by the time you read this. They have been very upbeat with their exams and seem to enjoy their freedom to leave the site in between...

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