Governance, Policies and Finance

Governance, Policies and Finance


The Holt School is a Single Academy Trust with members overseeing a governing body.

The role of The Holt School Governing Body is to:

  • Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Hold the Co-Headteachers and Senior Leadership Team to account for the educational performance of the students, and the performance management of staff
  • Oversee and ensure effective financial performance of the school.

The school operates under a Funding Agreement with the Education and Skills Funding Agency, which determines governance and operational requirements. The Accounting Officer is Anne Kennedy, Co-Headteacher. The Acting Chief Financial Officer is Katie Pearce, Co-Headteacher.

There are currently 5 members of the Academy Trust; they oversee, at arm’s length, the operation of the Governing Body, and have a number of strategic responsibilities, similar to those of shareholders of a company limited by shares.

There are currently 16 governors, comprising 7 parent governors elected by parents of students at the school, 5 community governors appointed by the Governing Body, and the Co-Headteachers (ex officio). The governors are also directors of the Company under company law, and trustees of the Academy Trust. Meetings are also attended by 2 staff representatives, elected by staff at the school. Further details about our governors can be found by clicking the link below. The school maintains a register of business interests, which includes links to local public and private section organisations and governance roles within other educational institutions, to ensure full transparency. This is updated annually and referred to at all meetings so that governors may withdraw if they have an interest in a matter arising. The link below provides the current register along with full details of appointments, terms of office and governor attendance at meetings.

The Governing Body meets at least termly, with its detailed work carried out within committees. Committees currently in operation include Finance & Premises Committee; Quality of Education; Behaviour, Attitudes & Personal Development, and Leadership & Management. These committees also meet at least termly. A scheme of delegation is in place to ensure that decisions are made at an appropriate level and to maximise efficiency and effectiveness.

The Governing Body reviews its effectiveness annually and is currently reviewing the governance structures, particularly in relation to the role of the members, and the number of members appointed.

Please direct any queries to me via the Clerk to the Governors, Katie Warner, either via e mail (, or via the school address below.

Fiona Cross
Chair of Governors
(May 2022)

The Holt School

Holt Lane
RG41 1EE


Please click on the links below for further governance and finance documents

a) Governor and Member Register of Interests
b) 2019 Accounts
c) 2020 Accounts
d) 2021 Accounts
e) 2022 Accounts
f) 2023 Accounts
g) Scheme of Delegation – Finance
h) Funding Agreement
i) Memorandum and Articles of Association
j) Governance Structure and Responsibilities
k) Trust Pay Reporting