I hope you all had a good relaxing half term.
42 Year 10 and 11 students spent the break skiing in Claviere, a resort on the French/Italian border. They had a lovely time! Thanks to Miss Shephard for organising the trip and to the staff for giving up their half term break. Miss Shephard said the students ….and staff…were a pleasure to be with and it was the smoothest ski trip ever.

Mrs Whitehouse, Head of Biology, was delighted with the Olympiad results. The biology Olympiad exam (two 45-minute multiple-choice papers) challenges and stimulates students with an interest and knowledge in biology. One student achieved a gold award, three achieved silver and one was awarded bronze. Seven students were highly commended. Well done to all the students who sat the challenge.
So …what’s on in the next few weeks?
On Saturday, a Wassail ceremony is going to be held at the community orchard in Winnersh, which is going to be restored by local volunteers, including some of our students. Anybody interested in gardening is welcome to join Amrita and her volunteers on Saturday for the ceremony.

The annual Friends of The Holt quiz night is on Friday 27th March. Every year we have teams of regulars alongside teams of new parents and friends. It is a cheap Friday night out and your teenage children will relish being left at home on their own for an evening! New parents are very welcome and if you don’t know people to make up a team, email into school and we will set you up.

Next week is National Careers Week and Mrs Hart, our careers lead, has organised a full programme of lunchtime seminars and speakers in assemblies. We advertise to our students on daily briefing but attendance to the seminars could be so much better. Please can you remind your daughter to attend seminars of interest – (she can eat her lunch at the seminar) – the speakers are passionate about what they do and give a wonderful insight into different careers.
Year 7 Anna-May Hicks BEAUTY |
All Years Sgt Kristian Oldfield ARMY ROOM SS1 |
Year 8 Lauren Trigg (Alumni) REAL ESTATE |
All Years Bharti Dhir SOCIAL WORKER ROOM SS1 |
Year 9 Suzanne Trigg COMPUTING |
All Years PC Collinson POLICE FORCE ROOM SS2 |
Year 10 Sian Lehrter BANKING/FINANCE |
Year 11 Fiona Kellow (Alumni) SOLICITOR |
Finally, the school production takes place next week – Beauty and The Beast. Tickets are £4.00 for children/students/pensioners and £7.00 for adults. Doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. It really is an enjoyable experience so do come along with your children, friends and relatives. Grandparents always have a lovely time at these events. Tickets are easy to book just follow the link and pay online. If you cannot attend, please encourage your daughter to go along with friends – it is a wholesome evening out with live entertainment and makes a change from screens!
Lots going on and we are looking forward to meeting you at these events.
Have a good week
Anne Kennedy