Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,
We are now three days into the summer term… I hope everyone is feeling recharged after a wonderful Easter break and long awaited outdoor reunions with friends and family….. and hairdressers!
Before we look ahead at the term to come, I wanted to briefly look back to the fantastic end of term assembly delivered by our student leadership team. The theme of the assembly was hope. The student leadership team delivered a powerful message on what we can do as individuals to ‘shine through the darkness’. Students were told to persevere no matter the odds and reflected on examples that they may come across in their school lives e.g. if a student is unhappy with their assessment grade, this is a learning opportunity and time to reflect… take the feedback on board and move forward. This was a really positive and uplifting message
The summer term has got off to a smooth start with the added bonus of beautiful weather which has allowed students to sit on the field at lunchtime and feel a sense of space. It is lovely to see students socialising with their peers and enjoying their time in school. I thoroughly enjoyed my lunchtime duty chatting with the students and hearing about how they spent their Easter holidays.
The summer term is always one of excitement and we are hopeful that with the easing of restrictions that the school community may be able to come together later in the term for events such as ‘global day’ and ‘sports day’ (safety permitting of course) however meanwhile please encourage your daughters/ sons to take up one of the many opportunities currently available on our extra-curricular timetable:
Enrichment Timetable.pdf (
Here are a few pictures of the clubs in action:
Year 8 Drama Club were script reading in preparation for a performance of Peter Pan. Hopefully I will receive an invite to the final performance.

Year 9 Netball Club were taking part in a warm up activity.

Finally Year 10 Rounders Club were having lots of fun in the sunshine.

On the subject of sport, The Holt School would like to say a big congratulations to Abi Baines for coming third in the English Schools’ Cross County Championships. The PE department and whole school are very proud of her achievement!
Taking part in clubs and socialising with peers is great for student wellbeing. Many of our students have upcoming assessments or mini assessments in class, but it is important that students continue with their extra-curricular activities because this is an excellent way to ‘let off some steam’ and remain focussed in the classroom. A letter was sent out yesterday re. KS3 assessments. The letter contains links to pre-recorded talks from our Heads of Year and school counsellor on topics ranging from memory to stress management. A copy of the letter can be found here:
Letters and Announcements | The Holt School
Finally Year 8 parents’ evening is taking place on 22nd April. We look forward to seeing our Year 8 parents online.
Enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend when it comes… hopefully the warm weather is here to stay!
Vicki Martin
Assistant Headteacher