Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
As our last week of term is now in full swing, we have certainly turned even more Christmassy!
The results of the House Christmas tree competition during the Christmas Fair are now in and I am delighted to announce a joint victory for H and B, followed by an unusual equal placing of 3rd for C, S and W. Well done to those Houses for all the hard work dressing their trees and thanks to the parents who mentioned how they had spent some time running round Hobbycraft buying a specific coloured tinsel and baubles. Thanks also to Mrs Carroll, the Chair of The Holt Association for judging the trees. It is clear from the results that they were all of such a high standard.
Last Thursday was the Christmas concert at St Pauls church. It is always a favourite event and really marks the start of Christmas and the end of term. The performances were just beautiful; soloists, ensembles and of course the lovely orchestra…….. and the readers read so well. The staff choir also excelled themselves with what was the biggest turnout I can recall. Thank you so much to Mr Gray, our talented Head of music and Mrs O’Reilly ….they both multi-tasked throughout the evening playing their instruments and conducting at the same time.

Thanks also to Father Richard for allowing us to use his beautiful church once again. The atmosphere there really does add to the sense of occasion.
This week we also judged the traditional Christmas doors competition. This is another much loved House event where each form decorates their form room door in a Christmas theme.
I am always amazed at the creativity the students show- the doors really do look great. They have one week to create their masterpieces before they are judged and then taken down before the end of term…….nobody wants to come back in January to be greeted by a Santa in a chimney as they go to registration.
I can’t reveal the winners yet- that will be announced in assembly on the last day of term……but here are some pictures…..

This week we also had our annual Christmas lunch. This time we did the whole school in one sitting- which really did add to the atmosphere……and ran into Period 5 for some! There was even a visit from Father Christmas!

Thanks to our caterers, Chartwells. The food was great and the students left very happy!
Also last week, the Year 11 GCSE drama students performed their devised group pieces to an audience made up of friends and family. This was the first time we have done it like this- an idea of Miss Edwards, our new Head of drama, and it was great. Miss Edwards said the students really raised their game on the night, which is very good for their marks! Mrs Kennedy and I enjoyed watching them …..although we did remark that our students seemed to like the rather dark themes! Miss Edwards reassured us that the darker themes were better to access the top marks!

Thanks Miss Edwards and Mrs Bennett for all your hard work with this; next stop- the monologues!
The maths department also held the Year 8 maths challenge last week. This event, led by Mr Green was a huge success and saw teams of students battling it out to solve numerous maths problems in order to win valuable House points.
The winners were Broderers, who have had a great first term in only their second year- well done! They were followed in second place by Lacemakers, and then joint third were Goldsmiths and Weavers.
Well done to all the students taking part!

Thanks Mr Green for organising this and to the maths teachers for their support. You really are all mathmagicians!
This Thursday evening, we look forward to welcoming back our ex-Year 13 students as they collect their A level certificates. Our guest is Anne-Marie Piazza who will be presenting the awards and prizes. Anne-Marie is a former Holt girl who now works in theatre. We are looking forward to hearing her tales!
The evening starts at 6pm in the main hall and look forward to seeing you there.
Then lastly, we have our traditional end of term assembly on Friday before we break up with our well-deserved early finish at 12.25.
It has been a very long, but very successful term. The students and staff have been amazing and are all now in need of some relaxation and recuperation as I am sure you are!
Mrs Kennedy and I would like to wish you a lovely and restful Christmas break and thank for all your support.
See you in 2020!
Mrs Pearce