Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
It is week 5 of a long 7 week half term…..Year 7 seem confident in finding their way round school, getting to the snack shack on the bell at break and knowing how to dodge the rain via buildings and underpasses!
Mr Furlong took his Year 12 Government and Politics class to the Houses of Parliament last Thursday. They had a tour through the Houses of Parliament and the guide shared how it has developed over time. The girls were able to watch a debate relating to the new Brexit proposals and the controversial proroguing of parliament in which there was an interesting exchange between MPs on opposing sides. Finally the students took part in a workshop on how laws transition from ideas to actual legislation and they debated whether or not ID cards should be introduced. Thanks to Mr Furlong for organising the trip.

The enrichment activities on offer are a good opportunity for our students to mix with each other, develop their cultural understanding and for learning new skills and knowledge as well as setting up possible future aspirations. Today at lunchtime, I popped into a Year 8 and 9 drama club where the girls were acting out a fairy tale in a particular genre ie horror, comedy or musical under the guidance of Miss Edwards. The girls were mixing with each other, experimenting and have fun too. I also swung by Computing club, with Mrs Bernadotte, compared to drama, it was a bit more serious as the Year 8s were honing in on their ‘flash’ skills. Vibes from the sports hall were good at lunchtime – music was playing out of the speakers and Year 10, 11 and 12 were having a lot of energetic fun! Year 12 were engrossed in a competitive game of dodgeball at the back of the sports hall and Year 10 and Year 11 girls were also up against each other at the other end. Thank you to Mrs Conner and Miss Pyle for running the club and then going back to teaching quadratic equations in the afternoon! Year 10 were enjoying netball club and thanks to Katie Fisher, one of our most talented netballers in the sixth form for giving up her lunchtime to referee the match. Finally, Year 8 and 9 choir sang beautifully in their practice. This morning, at 8am, Miss Cardy had about 30 Year 7-11 cross country girls doing squats and sprints in the sports hall – again the girls were happy and the teams were made up of all year groups. Yesterday morning, girls were playing Badminton – they were definitely gentler compared to the dodgeball crowd but as competitive!
The final amount raised for the Macmillan cake sate was £744.05 – thanks to the bakers and all the girls who bought cakes. The total was a Holt personal best!
Mrs Pearce and I were thrilled to welcome hundreds of Year 6 girls and their parents last Thursday at the Year 6 open evening. Our dedicated staff put on brilliant displays and we had over 70 students volunteering to be tour guides or helping in department. Our students are our best ambassadors for the school for sure! Year 11 are also considering their options post GCSE and all are welcome to our sixth form open evening tonight, with a talk from the Heads of Sixth Form at 6.00pm followed by five carousel sessions where students and parents visit up to five departments to hear about the course and ask any questions. Finally, Year 13 are considering their university choices right now as they finish off personal statements on their UCAS forms. Whether it is secondary school choice, sixth form or university destinations we wish everyone involved good luck with their choices and applications.
Have a good week
Anne Kennedy