by Holt School | Dec 6, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends As we enter the season of Advent, preparations for the end of term and the festivities beyond are cranking up at The Holt. A sense of mounting excitement lifts staff and students alike after a pretty drab and wet November. Students...
by Holt School | Nov 29, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends It was a pleasure to see so many of our Year 11 students and parents at our sixth form open evening recently, as well as many new students who are interested in joining us next year. We run our open evening as repeated subject...
by Holt School | Nov 22, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends We have a very busy blog this week, there is so much to report on over the last seven days! Our PE department have had an action-packed week of events. They have provided the following round up of all the events, tournaments, and...
by Holt School | Nov 8, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends I love autumn, it is a joyous time of year where the colours of nature are simply stunning. The grounds at The Holt look beautiful with the leaves on the trees in their full glory. Once again, the ceramic poppies are proudly on...
by Holt School | Nov 1, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends I hope you had a good half term with your families. My children are independent young adults now and as is the cycle of life I now spend more time visiting my father in Portsmouth, aunt in Skegness and mother-in-law in Manchester...
by Holt School | Oct 18, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear parents, guardians, and friends And so, we reach the end of our first half term of the new academic year. For some. it may feel that it has gone in a flash; for others, it may have felt rather slower. For our Year 7 students it has been the first half term of...