by Holt School | Feb 12, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Thankfully we came out of Storm Ciara unscathed save a few knocked over bins……and this week things have been a bit calmer (just waiting for storm Dennis at the weekend!) as we hurtle towards the end of another half term already! We...
by Holt School | Feb 6, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends This time last year, we were battling with the ‘Beast from the East’ and enjoyed two snow days! No signs of snow right now instead we are enjoying mild temperatures albeit wet and windy. Life in school is good with Year 12 receiving...
by Holt School | Jan 29, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends With the end of January in sight…….(the dark mornings and dark evenings will soon be a mere memory), the green shoots of spring are on the horizon to give us all a lift. There is definitely a feeling of “heads down” in January...
by Holt School | Jan 22, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends At last, the frost has arrived on Monday prompting a discussion in the bike sheds with hardy students about the quality of gloves as we lock up our bikes in the shed at school! More hardy girls took to the racecourse in Newbury on...
by Holt School | Jan 15, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends With PPEs still in full swing, the school is very quiet at the moment at least for the students……. however, for staff, last Thursday evening we held a really helpful and productive training “twilight” inset evening. The theme was on...
by Holt School | Jan 8, 2020 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Happy New Year! We welcomed back our students on Monday. Year 11 have gone straight into sitting their PPEs – good luck! I hope that revision over the break will have helped them feel calm for the exams as well as prepared them...