by Holt School | Feb 16, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends, With the final week of this half term almost coming to a close, the events and activities at The Holt are still in full swing. Our Year 10 and 11 drama students had a theatre company called Paper Birds deliver a workshop in...
by Holt School | Feb 9, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parent, Guardians and Friends, Spring is in the air… it has been lovely to see the daffodils blooming, blue sky above and our students having such a lovely time both within our school grounds and out and about in the community. Last week, our Year 10 spinners...
by Holt School | Feb 2, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Can you design and build a structure to protect 3 digestive biscuits from the force of a weight dropped from a height out of only paper and glue? That was the design challenge set for our Year 8 students on Technology Day on Monday....
by Holt School | Jan 26, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends I think I may have mentioned last year that January frequently heads the list of people’s least favourite month according to many polls. It certainly brings its share of challenges in its frosty air and under dark skies, but at The...
by Holt School | Jan 19, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Mrs Kennedy and I always like to start the new term by leading the first assembly. This term our theme was kindness, in line with our school strap line of Be kind, Aim high, Work hard. We talked about what kindness is, what it can...
by Holt School | Jan 12, 2022 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parent, Guardians and Friends Welcome to the Spring term! Last week we carried out lateral flow testing for all year groups over two days. The turnout rate was approximately 70% across the year groups so thank you for encouraging your daughter/son to attend. We...