by Holt School | May 17, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends, It certainly feels a lot quieter around the school as I write this from my office in the sixth form centre, as we said farewell to Year 13 and Year 11 last week to start their public exams. Year 11 had their final day last Thursday...
by Holt School | May 10, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents Guardians and Friends, I hope you had a wonderful weekend. The sunshine on Sunday and the additional bank holiday were a great opportunity to reenergise ready for the busy term ahead. We say goodbye to Year 11 and 13 this week, as they commence study...
by Holt School | May 3, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Friends I hope that you all enjoyed the first of our three Bank Holidays this month. It was certainly nice to have some sunshine at last. It is at this time of year that we are reminded how lucky we are to have so many flowerbeds, trees,...
by Holt School | Apr 26, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends Firstly, I would like to wish a happy Eid Mubarak last Friday, to all our Muslim families and friends. I hope you had a wonderful day and spent some quality time with your loved ones. Last week, we settled into the first week back...
by Holt School | Apr 19, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends I hope you all had a relaxing Easter break. It was good to welcome students back on Monday to a six week half term (two full weeks…..two shorter weeks (Bank Holidays)…followed by two full weeks). However, Year 11 have...
by Holt School | Mar 29, 2023 | Co-Headteachers Blog
Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends As March draws to a close, it really feels as if spring is bursting forth. At this time of year, rather than being woken by my alarm clock, I begin to stir with the birds’ dawn chorus each morning. One sign of the brightening year...