Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
Well it has been quite a week here … and we would like to start by thanking you for your continued support and sensible feedback as we worked our way through the NHS 111 and Public Health England advice and guidance last week in light of Coronavirus. Please be assured that we are
updated daily and we will advise you accordingly if anything changes this end.
On a more positive note, we were delighted with the outcome of the recent intermediate Maths Challenge competition that was led by Miss Pyle last week. As a school we achieved 35 Bronze awards, 25 Silver awards and 5 Gold awards which is excellent! Eve Pickwell in Year 9 is through to the “Grey Kangaroo” and Hannah Lyon, Jenni Arva in Year 10, Lara Carr and Lucy Ellinor in Year 11 are all through to the “Pink Kangaroo”. This is a really high level and the students that took part should all be very proud. Thanks to Miss Pyle for organising this event and to the rest of the maths team for their support. The next round will take place on Thursday, 19th March. Good luck girls!
On Monday, we had the much awaited opening night of Beauty of the Beast. This was really excellent! Mrs Kennedy and I have wanted a production for so long and it was every bit as good as we hoped. Being part of a school show is one of the fondest memories you take with you from school and we were delighted with the number of students taking part either as members of the cast, back stage, technical crew or ushering and serving during the interval. The experience you get from this, epitomises our vision for our students; building their self-confidence, working in teams, getting on with people older and younger than they are, learning from others and taking on feedback.

We are so grateful to our dedicated team of teachers and support staff for all their hard work putting the show together. We were really lucky that two of our parents work “in the industry” and were so generous with their time. Mr Platt, who is also a Governor, and Mr Thornton were able to advise us on lighting and sound and even lent us some very expensive equipment. So a massive shout out to them both! Thank you!
From the teaching staff, Miss Harris, Mrs O’Reilly, Mrs Bennett and Miss Flintham all had key roles and of course our fabulous heads of music and drama, Mr Gray and Miss Edwards.
Thank you all so much for a great show……..
Mrs Pearce