Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends,
‘What links a flow within the hydrological cycle and a coffee press?’ was one of the questions asked at the Geographical Association World Wise Quiz which took place at Reading School on Monday. The geography department entered two teams of students and although didn’t win, everyone had a lot of fun. Thanks to Mr Mosley and Mrs Craig for organising the trip and well done to our two teams! (the answer is at the bottom of the page).

One of our largest after school events took place last week – it was the Sixth Form Open evening – this is when the school invites potential 6th Form students from the school and the surrounding areas to come into school to find out about ‘The Holt Sixth’ and the different subjects on offer. The event was very well attended with over 700 registering a place. Mrs Salamut- Ward delivered an opening talk which reminded students ‘what makes The Holt Sixth’ great’ , this included information about the facilities, academic and pastoral guidance, personal development opportunities as well as socials and enrichment.

Subject teachers then spoke about their subjects in six talks of 10 minutes each. They were all ably supported by our own Year 12 and 13 students who participated in each talk by explaining why they chose the subject, why they like it, the support they receive and for many of them how excited they are to be pursuing this subject at university.

The Sixth Form centre was very busy, there was information available about early entry, careers and enrichment and to top it all Costa was open, which was very welcome on a cold night.

It was a freezing cold night, and the guides coped very well with the extreme temperature directing parents and students around the site.

More information can be found on The Holt Sixth website
At The Holt one of the ways, we promote democracy is through Student Council. Mrs Pearce and I have recently become involved in the facilitation of this process, and it is indeed very democratic. In the first week of the cycle every Form can choose some items that they would like to see on the agenda. This is then discussed with the Student Leadership Team (StLT) and the final agenda shared again with Forms who then discuss each item in more detail. Every Form has a council representative who go to their Year council which is chaired by a member of the StLT and includes the Head of Year. Two representatives of each year group then take the outcomes of this meeting to the Student Council.
The Student Council is once again chaired by the StLT and each representative shares the opinions and views of their Year group. The agenda items are discussed in more detail and views and suggestions are then sent to the SLT, we then discuss each item and report back to the STLT they then produce a video to share with the Form groups. Phew!!
At the meeting on Monday two students from each year group contributed to the discussions about Fast Fashion, the school day, toilets, Health and Safety and detentions. There were some interesting and valid points made which will now go to SLT.

One event that is already planned and involves reducing fast fashion is a Christmas Jumper swap. A great idea – details are below.

Yvonne Smith
Assistant Headteacher
(Answer to WW Quiz question – percolation and infiltration are both correct!)