Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends
On Monday, The Holt school fell silent to mark Remembrance Day. Year 7 students gathered for a special service, where they observed the silence together, this also marked an important Holt tradition for our Year 7 cohort. The students stood attentively and reflected on the readings that were delivered as part of the service.
Students involved in uniformed organisations such as Cadets, Brownies, and Cubs wore their uniforms and led the silence. It is wonderful to see the students wear these uniforms with such great pride. Below are some pictures taken during the service.

This week also marked the announcement of the new Student Leadership Team. After a competitive selection process, Aarushi has been appointed as Head Girl. Her deputies, Alolika, Marnie, Anneka and Nupur will work alongside her throughout the year. Their roles will include representing the student body, organising events, and supporting school initiatives.

The new leadership team brings a range of strengths and perspectives, and we look forward to seeing the contributions they will make. Congratulations to all those appointed and thank you to the outgoing team!
This week is anti-bullying week. The Anti Bullying Alliance call to action states:
From playgrounds to parliament, our homes to our phones, this Anti-Bullying Week let’s ‘Choose Respect’ and bring an end to bullying which negatively impacts millions of young lives.
This year, we’ll empower children and young people to not resort to bullying, even when we disagree and remind adults to lead by example, online and offline.
Imagine a world where respect and kindness thrives — it’s not just a dream, it’s in the choices we make. Join us this Anti-Bullying Week and commit to ‘Choose Respect’. What will you choose?
All students will participate in this Thought for the Week and will be reminded of the importance of reporting any unkindness/ bullying that they encounter. Communication is an essential part of our safeguarding culture; we regularly remind students that everyone in The Holt School community has a part to play to make sure our school is a happy and safe environment where students can flourish. If parents have any concerns, then please do not hesitate to contact the year teams.
In addition to assemblies and Thought for the Week, our safeguarding curriculum is delivered through PSHE lessons, external speakers and spotlight sessions. The content of these lessons is designed to empower young people to recognise risk and make self and healthy life choices. We ensure that students know when and how they should seek support. This includes any issues that may arise beyond the school gates.
Next week is a busy week for Year 11, they have their English Literature PPE on Wednesday morning, a music concert on Wednesday evening and Sixth Form Open Evening on Thursday. I am sure there will be some further updates in next week’s blog!
Mrs Martin
Assistant Headteacher