Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends


My nephew, Tom, is in his third year at university – I visited him on Sunday and naturally asked him how term was going, and he looked at me bemused saying it only started two weeks ago!! I couldn’t believe it as we have been back at school for 6.5 weeks and although exciting, challenging, rewarding and fun I think staff and students are looking forward to half term which starts next week on Friday 25th October.  Tom will probably be breaking up for Christmas in a few weeks’ time.


This time last week the geography department took some Year 11, 12 and 13 students to Iceland to experience standing on the boundary between the North American and Eurasian Plates, study volcanic landscapes, watch active geysers, bathe in hot sulphur pools, observe glaciers, walk behind waterfalls and recognise erosive coastal features as well as enjoying each other’s company. They even got to see the Northern Lights.  Thanks to Mrs Wragg for organising the trip and to Mr Mosley, Mrs Smith, Mrs Hopkins and an ex-member of the geography team, Mrs Holland for giving up their weekend to go to Iceland!  Thanks to the students too – the staff said they were upbeat and enthusiastic throughout the whole trip.

The Year 13 biologists went to Nettlecombe Court on Exmoor for their biology residential field trip. They were able to collect data on the abundance and distribution of species on a rocky shore, spend a day wading in the river catching everything from nymphs to fish and analysing the behaviour of freshwater invertebrates. A highlight of the trip was setting mammal traps so that they could contribute to citizen science and record findings on the iNaturalist app, which is available worldwide. The students were excited to see if their traps had worked and caught a field mouse (as were the staff). They were weighed to record on the app and then released back to where they were caught. The students completed a data logging PAG and studied grass land ecology too.

The students were able to analyse all of their data and complete several key practical activities for their A level as well as producing scientific posters in a data analysis exercise. The student worked really hard.  Thank you to Mrs Whitehouse for organising the trip and to Mrs Morgan and Mr Mirams for accompanying the students – the trip was very successful.

Last Wednesday Mrs White took the junior and intermediate cross-country teams to the Berkshire round of the English Schools Cross Country cup. Both teams performed so well and have made it through to the regional finals in a few weeks’ time. Well done girls and thanks to Mrs White for coaching them!

Earlier on this week Mr Fangueiro’s Yr7 football club was led entirely in Portuguese, his native language. The girls were having great fun out on the astro, playing games and hearing new words. One student even said ‘I understand everything as I hear Portuguese at home’.  Thanks to Mr Fangueiro! Mrs Diaz and Mr Fangueiro are encouraging students who like to play a sport and want to recognise a new language to sign up for next Thursday, a different language will be spoken!

The MFL Department are promoting languages in all areas of extra-curricular activities – not just sport! A huge thanks to Madame Amye and Mrs Nyazika who led a mouthwatering cooking masterclass, entirely in French last Friday. Students enjoyed this exciting lunchtime opportunity to make their very own Croque Monsieur with the guidance and support of the fantastic professeurs. Students are welcome to join the next culinary session, this time in Spanish… they need to look out for the booking form in the next week to take advantage of this. 

There are plenty of clubs for students to join….they are advertised on daily briefing which students see each morning and of course there is the extracurricular timetable on the website


Please do give your daughter a nudge to take part in at least one club/enrichment activity each week – I think sometimes your daughters need a little persuading that participating is actually quite fun.


Enrichment activities in school are more than clubs.  Every form must run at least one charity event during the school year, with proceeds going to their House charity and of course by running the event they gain House points too.  The more money raised the more points.  Coming up with the idea, organising the event, liaising with the finance office and then running it is exciting for the students, and they learn vital entrepreneurial skills, which are best learnt by doing.   Next week is a bumper week for charity events…so please do give your daughters any spare cash you may have!  On Monday 7W and 11W are holding a Halloween disco and bake sale …. it is lovely that the two years come together. Clothworkers are holding a bake sale on Tuesday, 11W are holding a sweet sale and guess the name of the teddy bear on Wednesday and 9T are holding a teacher apple bobbing competition on Thursday.   


The final charity event of half term is non uniform day on the last day – Thursday 24th October.  Tutors will collect £2 cash next week from tutees and the money raised is going to WADE – a day centre for the local elderly where they can enjoy a hot meal, be with others and chat if they want to.  Our Year 9s help serve the meals daily.  This concludes our harvest celebrations where the theme was ageism.


Today we stumbled across a report about The Holt being second in the top ten comprehensives based on 2024 GCSE results and percentage of 7-9 grades in Time Out magazine…it came through on a newsfeed.  The official DFE data will be published next half term but, in the meantime, all good publicity and great that the efforts of students, staff and parents that lead to these fantastic outcomes are recognised.  We think maybe the journalist confused co-educational with co-heads though!!


Best wishes

Anne Kennedy
