Dear Parents, Guardians and Friends

We are very fortunate at the Holt to have a full time, experienced and very enthusiastic careers lead. Her name is Mrs Hart and she has contributed to the blog this week by telling us all about the careers events she organises including those for National Apprenticeship week 5th – 9th February and her plans for National Careers Week 4th – 8th March.

We have many lunchtime seminars over each academic year where professionals visit and discuss their career journey to date. The talks that are given always offer vital information on qualifications, routes available, plus what could be on offer to a student should they choose a specific career path and company.

The lunchtime sessions are not compulsory so the number of students attending can vary from 2 to over 40 attendees, depending on the talk and whether the students remember!

So far, I have welcomed.

  • Sport: Karen Roberts OLY 7th Dan, Development Director, British Judo
  • Marketing & Advertising: Advansys
  • Fashion Design, Branding, Accessories and Business: Jimmy Choo Academy
  • Recruitment process and Job Roles: Army
  • Accounting, Business Management or Technology: PwC
  • Apprenticeships: ASK
  • Employment 4 Students: E4S
  • Hairdressing: Harington Hairdressing
  • Business Owner and Publisher: Wokingham & Reading Today

In National Apprenticeship week Haringtons Hairdressing were invited in to give a lunchtime seminar. I had previously discussed with Richard Scorer, Creative Director, that possibly a live haircut would entice students to attend which he thought was a mad but great idea. Of course, I volunteered myself for this. A few pictures are below.

Richard discussed his very colourful career which has taken him all over the world, numerous hair and fashion shows, TV sets, celebrity haircuts and much more.  Richard also discussed the ‘Community Chair’.  This is where Haringtons Hairdressing offer a free hair appointment to a community champion who has done good work and has been nominated for this special treat.  I was pleased that a good number of students attended which was good..  Great questions were asked about apprenticeships, college courses, hair and products, styling, the cost of haircuts, famous people, and the most expensive haircut.  The amount that some celebrities pay would make your eyes water.  The vibe was very relaxed and the result after the session was exactly what I had hoped for.  Not sure what my next crazy idea might be but up for any suggestions 😊

Next week is the National Career Week.  I have invited in Wilsons Solicitors LLP, Ridge Architecture, Heidelberg Materials, Back2Normal – Chiropractor, Royal London Insurance, and Irwin Mitchell Solicitors to present during assemblies to specific year groups and to run lunchtime seminars.

I will of course be sending some wonderful webinars out to you again toward the end of the week ready for the National Career Week.  I do hope you found all the apprenticeship information useful at the beginning February for the National Apprenticeship Week.  I would be very grateful if you could encourage your daughter/son to look out for more information that will be shared this week and to attend.  The sessions are really relaxed, and early lunch passes are available. 

As you can see there is plenty going on and a great variety of careers to find or about. Mrs Hart always sends   opportunities out to all key stages so they can get involved in virtual workshops, webinars and work experience.

Students at The Holt go on Work Experience in Year 10 and Year 12. As you can imagine this is a massive task for Mrs Hart, she is always eager to discover possible placements as she says below.

Before I finish, if anyone could volunteer their time to inspire students, then I would love to hear from you.  Finding meaningful work experience proves difficult each year especially as I like to match all students with their interests.   If you can offer work experience to a Year 12 student/s from 29th April – 3rd May or Year 10 student/s from 15th – 18th July, then I would be very grateful and wait to hear from you.  Thank you.

Year 12 students also had an opportunity to start preparing for their future careers when they participated in an interview day last week. Mrs Salamut Ward says –

Last week all our Year 12 students took part in a mock interview day. We had a range of employers generously who gave their time to run 15 minute mock interviews with all of Year 12. This gave them a chance to think of situations they have shown different skills and characteristics as well as celebrate the numerous strengths that they have. We had a range of industries represented including law, finance, computing, charity and many more. The interviewers were so complimentary about the students and all that they do for their personal development. A huge thank you to all our interviewers for your time, and well done to our Year 12 students for their fantastic participation in the event. If you are interested in supporting our future interview days- please do get in touch!

Apprenticeships are becoming increasingly popular, Mrs Salamut–Ward and Mrs Thomas found out much more about them when they and a group of students attended an Apprenticeship show as you can see in the pictures below.

Year 9 students have just completed their SLT options interviews and will shortly be formally choosing their option choices for GCSE, as they take what may be their first step towards their future career path.

I will just finish with a reminder of our upcoming production – tickets are on sale now! A Midsummer nights dream at The Holt School, Main Hall event tickets from TicketSource

Yvonne Smith

Assistant Headteacher