Dear Parents/Guardians

I hope that you and your family had a great half term break, it was wonderful to have some blue skies and sunshine and at last be able to feel that we are in the summer term!

I am sure many of you, like me, took the opportunity to do some tidying and planting in the garden. The grounds around the school are also looking a little different – our groundsman Nick Robins with his team from Nick Robins Ltd – Landscaping, spent several days creating the memorial garden which surrounds the area where the mosaic memorial for James Furlong will be located. This garden will be able to be used as an area of quiet reflection and peace. It is still a work in progress but will soon have a fence, and benches kindly donated by The Holt Association.

Another change to the grounds is that the marquees have gone! They came for a few weeks but were here for 9 months, the ground will take time to recover but students are now sat out in the fresh air still in bubbles but at the front or the back of the school.

The week before half term was the last week for our Year 11 and Year 13 students. They worked so hard taking PPEs and mini assessments that I am sure they were delighted when the last week finally arrived. The Year 11s had ice-cream on the field and the traditional shirt signing, there was a loud cheer when the bell went at 3pm; Year 13s came in fancy dress as you can see below. They are having their leavers’ assembly on Friday.

This term as always is a busy one. The Year 10 PPEs start tomorrow, closely followed by Year 12 exams. KS3 students can relax after their exams and take part in House netball and rounders which took place yesterday. It is great to see the students playing team sport again.

These are pictures from Year 7 House netball. The atmosphere was great – although very competitive!

Let’s hope that the good weather continues for the remainder of the school year.

Yvonne Smith
Assistant Headteacher