Friends of The Holt School

The Friends of The Holt School is a registered charity (number 1013765). The purpose of the Friends of The Holt School is to raise funds which are donated to the Holt School to help provide additional facilities for students. Examples include: the fitting out of new technology classrooms; provision of new dining hall furnishings and canteen equipment; additional IT equipment and new classroom facilities; a significant contribution to the building of a new humanities teaching block.

The Friends of The Holt School also organise events throughout the year for example quiz night, auction, colour run and Christmas fair. The money raised from these events is donated to various departments to buy items that they cannot fund. Volunteers are needed for these events to ensure that they continue to be as successful as they have been in the past.

What is the Friends of The Holt School?

The Friends of The Holt School also organise events throughout the year for example quiz night, auction, colour run and Christmas fair. The money raised from these events is donated to various departments to buy items that they cannot fund. Volunteers are needed for these events to ensure that they continue to be as successful as they have been in the past.

How is the Friends of The Holt School managed?

The Friends of The Holt School is administered through a group of trustees drawn from the Governing Body, The Holt Association, and other friends of the school.  The Friends of The Holt School runs a number of programs for donations and sponsorship aimed at individuals and local businesses.

Making a contribution

  1. Individual a one-time donation
    One-time donations can be made in cash or by cheque.
    Parents of current pupils may also make a donation via Wisepay.
    Electronic donations may also be made via e-bank transfer (sort code: 30-96-96, account no: 04250998, account name: Friends of The Holt School.
  2. Individual regular donation
    Regular donations are managed by bank standing order using the bank details above.
  3. Company sponsorship of a specific activity
    Sponsors receive public recognition for their contribution and receive personal updates on activity.  Typical sponsorship items include:  supporting a school department, faculty, or year group;  supporting a sports team or other extra-curricular club;  sponsor a special project.  Sponsorship can be undertaken on a one-time or regular basis.  To discuss sponsorship opportunities please contact the Finance Team at The Holt School.
  4. Company general sponsorship
    For organisations who would like to support the school in a more general way and get more closely involved in helping the school reach its goals.  To discuss sponsorship opportunities please contact the Finance Team at The Holt School.
  5. Just Giving
    Donations are welcomed towards our Just Giving page Friends of The Holt School – JustGiving

More information?

If you would like to know more about any of the Friends of The Holt School’s activities and how you might contribute please contact the Finance Team on:


Phone:  0118 978 0165

Friends of The Holt School Form 2021

    Please email completed forms to